Start of construction of the University of Applied Sciences Centre
Construction work on the new building for the Graubünden University of Applied Sciences Centre has started and the excavation pit is almost complete. Pulvermühlestrasse has been partially re-routed and the construction of the auxiliary bridge for the future access tunnel is currently underway. We are looking forward to the completion of the new building, which is planned for the end of 2027 with occupancy in mid-2028.
Ski weekend in Laax
The past weekend we spent our ski weekend in Laax. The slopes were great and so was the fun in the snow. We were able to enjoy two wonderful days of skiing together.
image: Giuliani Hönger Architects
A happy new year
Construction work on the Pilatus Arena and the residential towers in Kriens is well advanced. We are very much looking forward to the completion of the sports arena in autumn next year and the events that will follow. With this in mind, we wish you a relaxing festive season and a sporting start to 2025.
image: Construction site Pilatus Arena and residential towers, Kriens
Winter excursion 2024
Under the theme of building in wood, we first visited one of the temporary sports halls by pool Architekten in the Enge district, which was awarded the Prix Lignum Holzbauten 2024 in gold. This was followed by the row house settlement in Baden by EMI Architekten, whose houses are only 3.75 metres narrow and reveal a generous spatial experience inside. In the afternoon, we were given a guided tour of the new Erne office building by Burkard Meyer Architekten in Stein. Here, as with the Hortus project in Allschwil by Herzog & de Meuron, we were shown innovative constructions that use sustainable, regional materials and minimise the ecological footprint of all the elements used. Many thanks for the inspiring guided tours on site.
image: Erne Holzbau office building, Stein
Ground-breaking ceremony University of Applied Sciences Centre Graubünden
On Thursday 28 November, the ground-breaking ceremony for the new building of the University of Applied Sciences Grisons Centre in Chur took place with all those involved and construction work will officially begin on 3 December 2024. At the Pulvermühle site, the previous five FHGR locations in Chur will be combined with the existing main building to form one campus and a modern infrastructure for interdisciplinary collaboration, innovative teaching and learning methods and future-oriented study and research will be created. We are looking forward to the completion of the new building, which is planned for the end of 2027 with occupancy in mid-2028.
Via ferrata team excursion
The beautiful weather has lured us into the mountains the weekend before last. Some employees from various teams visited the via ferrata near Kandersteg and tackled some interesting traverses. They returned to the office on Monday in good health.
Office trip to Kriens construction site
We visited the construction site of the Pilatus Arena and the residential towers in Kriens. Some of the spatial situations are already clearly visible. The handball arena will be completed and go into operation in fall 2025, while the two residential towers will be completed in fall 2026.
Facade elements in the factory
Mirco and Antoni visited the KGC headquarters and production plant in Vilnius (Lithuania) from July 16 to 18 to inspect the first final facade elements of the two high-rise residential buildings in Kriens. On the left side two facade elements of the living areas, on the right those of the dormitories, each with pre-assembled cornice elements in fiberglass concrete.
Congratulations on passing the final apprenticeship exam
We would like to congratulate Massimo Bonetti on successfully passing his final exam as a draughtsman specialising in architecture. We wish you all the best for the future.
Letzigarten housing project in KOMPLEX magazine
Our project for the new BFG-Areal housing project has been published in the Halter Group magazine. A courtyard house, a row of flats and a 60 metre high apartment tower - create different and attractive open spaces as well as good spatial transitions to the neighbouring buildings. The chosen typologies promote social interaction, revitalise the open spaces and create good places to spend time. Giuliani Hönger is responsible for the tower and courtyard house, Tobler Gmür for the row and Studio Vulkan for the open space.
Final critiques at the FHGR in Chur
In the design studio "Konstruktives Entwerfen 6" of Armando Ruinelli and Marco Ganzoni, the final critiques of the semester projects will take place on 28 June under the title "New functions for old spaces". Lorenzo Giuliani will be there as a guest critic.
OpenDoors Engadin 2024 Casa Giuliani
On 29 and 30 June 2024, the Engadin will open its doors once again, allowing visitors to take a look behind the facades of outstanding buildings. This year, our Casa Giuliani residential building project in St. Moritz will also be open to the public. Lorenzo Giuliani will guide groups of up to 10 people through 3 of the 5 flats and explain the design ideas and constructive principles. The guided tours take place on Saturday at 10, 11, 13, 14, 15:00.
image: David Willen
Summer excursion 2024
The guiding theme of Sustainability 2.0 led us to two new buildings in an urban development area outside the centre of Zurich and a conversion of a historic SBB workshop building on the edge of the track field. The Zwhatt high-rise by Boltshauser Architekten in Regensdorf features a hybrid construction of wood and concrete. Building Q in the SBB workshops shows the conversion of the protected building on Hohlstrasse. The Allmend school building in Greencity Manegg connects the neighbourhood with an accessible roof for sports and leisure activities. Many thanks for the inspiring guided tours on site.
image: Schulhaus Allmend, Studio Burkhardt
Civil engineering works Clinic 2 at Basel University Hospital
Civil engineering work began in April and the extent of the four-storey excavation pit can already be seen. The large drilling rigs are constructing the bored pile walls close to the existing building, which is a major challenge while the hospital is still in operation. Many thanks to the prudent employees of the contractors on site and the site management. The planners are pleased that the work is progressing smoothly and on schedule.
image: Giuliani Hönger Architekten
Building application submitted
On March 12, 2024, we were able to submit the building application for the new Graubünden University of Applied Sciences Center. On site, construction profiles are now rising into the light blue spring sky of Chur. At the same time, the first preparatory work is already underway, such as the rerouting of the Mühlbach creek south of Pulvermühlestrasse and the demolition of the existing buildings on the site. Construction is scheduled to start at the beginning of 2025. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the client, the Graubünden Building Authority, the users of the Graubünden University of Applied Sciences and, last but not least, all the members of the entire general planning team for their good cooperation. We look forward to the next steps in the project development.
image: Giuliani Hönger Architekten
Ground-breaking for new Clinic 2 building Basel
The public, two-stage competition was decided in 2013. After more than 10 years of planning, the official ground-breaking took place on 22 January 2024 for the new Clinic 2 building at the University Hospital Basel. With this important act, the client sees the start of a generational project. We look forward with the client to the upcoming realisation of phase 1, which will last until 2030.
1st prize Letzigarten site Zurich
We are delighted to have won first prize in the Letzigarten site study in Zurich and would like to thank Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur and Synaxis Bauingenieure for their good collaboration. An ensemble of three different, archetypal building types (figure, row, tower) responds to the heterogeneous surroundings and creates attractive, differentiated free spaces and a variety of apartments for a diversified population. The large inner garden creates added social value for the entire area and the urban climate. The three building types each have efficient and economical load-bearing structures. The preservation of the underground parking garage and the reused concrete slabs create ecological added value. Last but not least, the free spaces and architecture create strong, individual identities.
Rendering: maaars
Masterplan Wagi-Areal
In December 2023, the Schlieren City Council and the Schlieren City Planning Commission approved and signed the master plan for the Wagi site in Schlieren. The current GHZ commercial and industrial site is to be developed into a Bio-Technopark and research campus by 2040. With the support of Planpartner and an assessment committee, we worked as an interdisciplinary team with Kuhn Landschaftsarchitekten and IBV Hüsler Verkehrsplanung to develop the masterplan with the themes of open space, mobility, buildings and sustainability. A design plan is now being developed on the basis of the following guideline project.
A happy new year
We would like to thank you for the good cooperation this year and wish everyone a relaxing holiday time and a happy 2024.
Project: EWB development Ausserholligen VI, Bern, 2023–2028
Project team Halter: Giuliani Hönger Architekten, E2A, pool Architekten, Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur
Rendering: Filippo Bolognese Images
MockUp facades Pilatus Arena
The two mock-ups give an idea of the façade structure and architectural appearance of the Pilatus Arena and the residential towers in Kriens. The mock-up on the left shows the arena façade: extensive glazing allows views into the foyer of the "Stadtbalkon". High glass and perforated sheets with a textile appearance are clamped between vertical swords.
The mock-up on the right shows the structure and elements of the two residential towers: the day rooms are structurally glazed, the individual rooms are fitted with balustrades. Horizontal cornices made of light grey glass fiber elements, vertical pillars and smooth or corrugated sheet metal panels characterize the architectural structure. The arena and residential towers are connected by a finely differentiated color scheme and a common base.
Current view of the construction site towards Kriens
Work on the excavation pit and civil engineering is in progress. The footprint of the new building ensemble can already be seen. On the left, facing Mattenplatz, a residential tower is being built that, with its 50-metre height, relates to the surrounding towers, centrally, you can see the geometry of the Arena with its future 4000 seats, and towards Bahnhofsplatz, the taller residential tower is being built, which will face the Lucerne Allmend.
1st prize in the anonymous project competition for Nidwalden Hospital
We are very pleased to have won another 1st prize in the anonymous project competition for the new "Medizinisches Zentrum Nidwalden". Through the formation of the striking head building and the clear positioning of the low building, the extension gives the Nidwalden Hospital a new face and at the same time combines the existing buildings into an overall ensemble. The newly located main entrance to the Nidwalden hospital is accessed through a generous green space, which replaces the existing outdoor parking spaces and from which the large event hall and the employees' oasis are clearly visible as the end of the two buildings. The sustainable timber construction project looks for similarities to the existing building in terms of structure and degree of opening, while at the same time showing its clear constructive structure and interior and exterior materialisation. The structure of the façade elements covered with photovoltaics creates an interesting interplay of light and shadow that lends the volumes of the new building their lightness.
Rendering: maaars
1st prize in the Chance Uetikon study competition
We are very pleased to have won another 1st prize in the “Chance Uetikon” study competition. The sculptural design of the buildings with risalits creates differentiated courtyard spaces and interrelated buildings with their own identities, addresses and good scalability. The structures and the plantings create different qualities of stay and situational privacy or openness and transparency and a varied environment. The longitudinal buildings along the Seestrasse provide noise protection and are also modulated and rhythmicised by outside bays. The differentiated structures also allow for the desired variety of flat types and sizes and last but not least, the risalites and oriels create good visual references to the lake, slope and courtyard spaces.
We are already looking forward to the next steps.
Rendering: maaars
1st prize ewb-Areal Ausserholligen
Overall performance study contract for the development of the ewb-Areal Ausserholligen, Bern
We are very pleased to have won 1st prize in the overall performance study contract for the development of the ewb site Ausserholligen in Berne as part of the Halter team, ARGE E2A / Giuliani Hönger / pool Architekten with Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur.
The ewb site is located between the Weyermannshaus sports and leisure complex and Europaplatz. Today, the two landowners, ewb and BLS, use the site primarily for industrial purposes. In the future, a sustainable, lively and diversely mixed working and living environment will be created on the site, which is optimally accessible by public transport. As a permeable urban centre, it will connect the various sites of the cantonal development focus Ausserholligen.
In addition to the new ewb headquarters, the newly founded "Viadukt" cooperative will build around 220 cooperative flats with exchange and communal areas in two high-rise residential buildings.
Exhibition of competition projects:
The winning project and the other competition projects can be viewed at a public exhibition from 22.05.2023 - 26.05.2023 in the Forsthaus energy centre. Information will be published on the website in due course.
Rendering: Filippo Bolognese Images
2nd prize in the study commission Kocherei Attisholz-areal
The former industrial quarter Attisholz in Solothurn is to be transformed over the next few years into an independent, lively quarter. Where cellulose was produced for more than 100 years in the past, people will now live and work. The conversion of the Kocherei building is the first important building block for the urban development of the area. A study commissioned by Halter AG called for a project with a diverse mix of uses such as housing, services, commerce and gastronomy. Our project proposal "Bernd, Hilla and Max" was awarded 2nd prize.
The urban design concept is based on a composition of different building blocks, whereby the Kocherei, as a historically valuable building, is integrated as a matter of course into the new complex, supplemented and topped up. The individual buildings are the “Kocherei”, the plinth, the block and the ashlar, which create a diverse range of spaces and flats. Excerpt from the jury report: "The contribution provides exciting and convincing answers on the most diverse levels. The authors succeed in responding to the site the site and its specific challenges in a targeted manner, reinforcing what already exists, generating something new and uniting the two worlds into a whole."
The seven project designs can be viewed from Thursday, 30 March 2023 at an exhibition on the site in the Eisenmagazin on Aareplatz.
Rendering: maaars
Lecture on the Pilatus Arena at the arc-afterwork on 23.03.
In and around Lucerne, a strong change has taken place in recent years. The city and the neighbouring municipalities are developing from heterogeneous agglomerations into urban districts. The lecture series is dedicated to various current projects in order to make the development tangible. On this evening, Lorenzo Giuliani will present the Pilatus Arena project in Kriens, which represents an essential building block for the development area in the "Lucerne South".
YES to the University of Applied Sciences Centre Graubünden
We are very pleased about the clear YES of the people of Graubünden to the new building for the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden. This will provide the FHGR with a modern, state-of-the-art and sustainable infrastructure that will bring together the locations spread across the city into a central campus. Construction is scheduled to start at the end of 2024, and the building due to come on stream in 2028.
We are already looking forward to the coming steps.
Partial revision of “Sonderbauvorschriften Neu-Oerlikon”
We are pleased to announce that the "Sonderbauvorschriften Neu-Oerlikon" have been in force since 01.02.23. The basis for the revised SBV Neu-Oerlikon was our test planning of 2016 and the "Masterplan Neu-Oerlikon" derived from it.
The master plan defines where which open spaces should be created and it prepares the way for the protection of two important industrial monuments such as Hall 550 and the historic ABB Building 87T. The master plan also specifies where the permissible building heights and uses may be exceeded and how they can be densified with high urban development quality.
X-Mas Trip 22 – The Search for New Typologies
The first snow of the year arrived just in time for our X-Mas excursion. Our trip this year took us to Winterthur and St.Gallen where we visited the newly opened outdoor school Wallrüti by Schneider Studer Primas, the school complex St.Leonhard by Clauss Merz, the new Learning Center of the HSG by Sou Fujimoto as well as the Nature Museum by Meier Hug and Armon Semadeni. In terms of content, the motive was not use, but the search for new typologies. In the evening, we rounded off the day with a cosy pre-Christmas dinner.
Photo: Learning Center HSG
The decision to build the new Klinikum 2 has been made
The new building of Klinikum 2 becomes reality. The client has made the decision to build and thus given the starting signal for the transformation of the entire site. As the first building block, stage 1 with its 60m high bed tower will be built from summer 2023.
Universitätsspital Klinikum 2, Basel 2013–2038
Competition 1st Prize
Rendering: nightnurse image
Pilatus Arena ground-breaking ceremony
With the ground-breaking ceremony on 29 November, construction of the Pilatus Arena officially began. After a ball relay, the first goal was scored on the plot where the hall will later stand. The symbolic milestone is causing great anticipation among all those involved.
Competition 2017, 1st prize
Planning and realization 2018–2026
Team event ZSC-Ajoie
Yesterday we visited the game ZSC-Ajoie together and got in the mood for the match with a cozy fondue in the restaurant ZETT. Congratulations to the team around Caruso St. John Architects for the successful project.
Pilatus Arena and Kriens residential towers
The building permit has been given and the last objections have been withdrawn. Two attractive residential towers and the Pilatus sports arena are being built at Mattenhof in Kriens. We are looking forward to the start of construction in 2023.
Competition 2017, 1st prize
Planning and realization 2018–2026
Visualisation: Raumgleiter
Office trip Monte Verità
We made a summer trip to Ascona and Locarno to follow the early traces of the Ticino Tendenza as well as more recent projects by younger architects. We spent the night on Monte Verità in Emil Fahrenkamp's former sanatorium from 1929, which was renovated as a hotel in 1970 and extended by Livio Vacchini in 1990 to include a wing with a restaurant and auditorium. Following in the footsteps of the Ticino Tendenza, we were able to visit Luigi Snozzi's Casa Snider (together with Livio Vacchini) and Casa Kalman, which are considered milestones of 1970s Swiss architecture. What was surprising and convincing for our young team about both houses was how they fit into the landscape or the village structure in a differentiated way.
Fachhochschulzentrum Graubünden
The new building for the University of Applied Sciences Centre was presented at the media conference on 10 August, after it had been confirmed by the cantonal government of Graubünden. The building project is to be discussed in parliament in autumn and submitted to the electorate in spring 2023. The five locations in the city of Chur are to be combined on one campus with the new building and the existing building on Pulvermühlestrasse. Construction of the new building is scheduled to begin in autumn 2024, and the university is to begin operating in spring 2028.
Award best architects 23
The Surber Burri building in Regensberg won the award in the housing architecture category. At first glance, the façade integrates itself mimicry-like into the row of houses in the Oberburg as a plastered timber-framed building typical of the locality. At second glance, the frame not only reveals the actual construction, but also expresses the internal spatial order to the outside. The day areas of the large owner-occupied flat and the two smaller rented flats are arranged one above the other and pierce the structure in such a way that daylight can enter deeply in the higher south-facing areas. We are delighted to have received the "best architects 23 award".
Architecture Prize Canton Zurich
We are pleased to announce that our Surber-Burri residential building project in Regensberg has been nominated for the 2022 Audience Award.
Vote now – voting runs until 31 August.
Office Trip Vlaanderen
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our office, we travelled to Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp. The group picture was taken in the recently renovated Boekentoren 1939 by Henry van de Velde in Ghent by Robbrecht en Daem architecten. In Brussels, noAarchitecten (project with em2n and Sergison Bates) showed us the transformation of the former Citroën factory building KANAL Centre Pompidou, which is becoming a cultural and exhibition centre. Diverse architectural impressions and countless Belgian beer variations will remain in our vivid memories.
Exhibition TOUCH WOOD
At the exhibition TOUCH WOOD at the Zentrum Architektur Zürich ZAZ at Höschgasse 3 in Zurich, our cutaway model of the University of Applied Sciences Centre Chur will be on display from 9 June to 30 October 2022. We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition.
Swiss Art Awards 2022
Together with Joseph Schwartz as structural engineer, we are among the five finalists of the Swiss Art Awards Architecture 2022 with our interdisciplinary project Polysem under the name Giuliani Hönger Schwartz. The exhibition will take place in Hall 1.1 of Messe Basel from 13 to 19 June 2022.
Photography: David Willen
Insight and showcase
We are happy about the new workshop room at Kanzleistrasse 57 which gives us a view of the Kanzlei area and an insight into our model making workshop. In the showcase we present continuously new things, but also unpack older models again.
Auszeichnung für gute Bauten der Stadt Zürich 2016–2020
Office trip
On our Christmas excursion we had a look at currently built universities of applied sciences. We visited the new building of the Lucerne University of Music by Enzmann Fischer Partner Architekten, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland by pool Architekten and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, also by pool Architekten, and received explanations through personal tours by the architects. Thank you very much, we were visibly impressed.
1st prize in the project competition, new construction and conversion of the University of Applied Sciences Centre Graubünden
We are very pleased to have won the 1st prize in the project competition for the new construction and renovation of the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden in Chur. What will be the canton's largest construction project in the future, the nine previous locations will be merged into the newly founded FHGR at the Pulvermühle site. Many thanks also go to the planning team from Drees & Sommer Switzerland, Dr. Lüchinger+Meyer, Zwahlen+Zwahlen, Abicht Zug, Boess Sytek, Makiol Wiederkehr, Bakus, Laborplaner Tonelli, HP Misteli and IBV Zurich.
We are looking forward to the exciting challenge and the next steps. The competition entries can be viewed in a public exhibition from 25 October to 5 November in the foyer of the FH Graubünden.
Rendering: maaars
to University of Applied Sciences
Renovation of the Chesa Naira Samedan façade
Dark and at the same time matt anodised cast aluminium panels replace the heavy natural slate façade of the Chesa Naira in Samedan. In the casting process, the flowing movement and subsequent cooling of the aluminium creates a moving surface. Each panel is unique in its structure.
Award for good buildings of the City of Zurich 2016–2020
We are very pleased that our Schlotterbeck site is one of the 12 winners of the "Good Buildings Award of the City of Zurich" and has been honoured with the following description: "Workshops to flats, monument to landmark: the transformation of the former Citroën garage shows what quality can be created when old buildings are not lamented as obstacles but used as sources of inspiration. The ramp building of the former garage was raised to a cylindrical tower in which all the flats open up to the light. In the workshop building, too, the existing structure – 35 m building depth, different storey heights and a striking supporting structure – led to unique flat types. Here, densification generates not only building volume, but also spatial quality and social references."
From September 20 to October 30, 2021, the award-winning objects can be seen in the Architecture Forum on Zollstrasse in Zurich. It is the first exhibition in the new premises of the Architekturforum.
Tour of Hilti Office North
On Saturday, we had the pleasure of presenting the completed Hilti Office Nord building to the public. Lorenzo Giuliani, Christian Hönger and Sander Lückers guided the interested audience through the buildings Office Nord and Office Mitte. Jasmin Grego presented the restaurant area in Office North. Next week, Hilti will move in to its new office workplaces.
The construction profiles grow in height
Lucerne's tallest building and one of the tallest residential construction projects in Switzerland is being built at Mattenhof in Kriens. Currently, the construction profiles are growing upwards and give an idea of the future volume. The ensemble consists of the 110m-high Pilatus Tower, the 50m-high Tower at Mattenplatz and the Pilatus Arena in between. Construction is scheduled to start in 2022.
Lecture "Sino-Swiss Dialogues on Structure"
As part of the lecture series "Sino-Swiss Dialogues on Structure", Lorenzo Giuliani and Christian Hönger will present the lecture "structure as space – space as structure" on Friday 30 July. The lecture will be in dialogue with Zhang Ke from ZAO/standardarchitecture.
The Pilatus Arena in the current edition of "Komplex"
"The second half has begun" We are delighted with the article by Deborah Fehlmann in the current issue of "Komplex" magazine about the Pilatus Arena in Kriens. A new urban development with two residential towers, public ground floor uses and a multifunctional arena at the heart of the complex will be built by 2025.
New intensive care unit at Basel University Hospital
The University Hospital Basel is expanding its intensive care capacities. Since mid-2020, we have been allowed to plan the new construction of an intensive care unit with 20 beds as a pavilion-like roof structure on the grounds of the University Hospital Basel. The building application was submitted in early summer 2021, and realisation is planned until 2024.
Rendering: nightnurse images
Guided visit of Surber Burri House
We are pleased to present our project Wohnhaus Surber Burri and invite you to visit the house in Regensberg.
Saturday 12 June 11.00 – 15.00 last guided tour 14.00. Registration by email is requested.
Oberburg 14 8158 Regensberg
Bus 593 from station Diesldorf
Competition Campus Platztor St. Gallen, 8th prize
"GEMINI" was awarded 8th prize in the Campus Platztor project competition in St. Gallen.
Excerpt from the jury report:
"A building system is created that takes up the paths of the city and wants to continue them. This results in a very natural connection to the city, which is also reflected in the building heights and can react in a comparatively small-scale manner. At the same time, the ensemble shows a very plausible possibility of how the neighbourhood could develop further."
Exhibition Le Concours Suisse
Our project "Musikhaus Kraftzentrale vonRoll-Areal" will be shown as part of the exhibition Le Concours Suisse on the subject of "Swiss architectural competitions" from Wednesday 14 April in the Pavillon Sicli in Geneva. The travelling exhibition will then also be presented in Rio de Janeiro at the UIA 2021 RIO | 27º Congresso Mundial de Arquitetos.
14 – 28 April 2021 at the Pavillon Sicli in Geneva
17 July – 15 October 2021 in Rio de Janeiro
Pilatus Tower Kriens, start of flat marketing
The sales marketing of the condominiums in the Pilatus Tower is currently running. The taller of the two towers in the Pilatus Arena ensemble will be the highest building in the canton of Lucerne and will offer a wide range of flats with views of the city, lake and Pilatus. Information about the flats can be found at
Bürohaus Office Nord Hilti, Schaan
A look into the construction site shows, that the finishing work is currently in full swing and the building will be completed this summer. After we had the pleasure to develop the Innovation Centre, the Administration Building and the Office Mitte at the headquarter in Schaan, with the Office Nord will arise a harmonious ensemble and with the campus park one year later the development of the area will be finished.
Happy holidays and a good start into 2021
We look forward to the coming year and present a retro- and prospect view from our model archive.
The generation project "Campus Health" becomes specific
The Health Campus in Basel is preparing for the next generation. With stage 1 (tower and annex) of the new building Klinikum 2, the first building block of the transformation will take place between 2022 and 2028, and with the completion of stage 2 (base floors) in 2038, the generation project will be completed.
YES to the Pilatus Arena in Kriens
The Kriens electorate voted in favor of the development plan for the Pilatus Arena. We are very pleased with the positive outcome of the vote and are now starting to process the building application. Over the next few years, a vital quarter will be created at Mattenhof station, with the multifunctional sports hall, two residential towers and a wide range of public ground floor uses along the pedestrian promenade.
Station and Bahnhofplatz St. Gallen in the October issue of AS Magazin
We are happy about the nice article in the AS Magazine, where our project "Bahnhof und Bahnhofplatz St. Gallen" is published under the title "BAUTEN FÜR DIE ÖFFENTLICHKEIT IN DER DEUTSCHSCHWEIZ".
1st prize in the study commission Passerelle Steigerhubel, Bern
We are very pleased that our project «SCURSUN» for the new pedestrian and bicycle crossing at the Steigerhubel convinced the jury. Many thanks also to Fürst Laffranchi Bauinigenieure and Antón Landschaft for their great cooperation.
Rendering: maaars
Swiss Study Foundation at Giuliani Hönger
At the request of the Swiss Study Foundation in Zurich (, Lorenzo Giuliani and Christian Hönger will answer questions about the Swiss competition system and the competition won for the extension of Zurich Stadelhofen station at a meeting on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.
The Schlotterbeck project at this years OPEN HOUSE Zurich
Our project the residential and commercial building Schlotterbeck can be visited on Sa. 26.09. in the context of the event OPEN HOUSE Zurich.
Christian Hönger will guide interested visitors through the transformed and extended rooms of the former Citroën garage. (registration required).
Summer excursion Lägern 2020
This year's summer excursion led us from our construction site in Regensberg on foot along the Lägern to Baden.
Welcome Massimo Bonetti
Welcome Massimo. We're happy to welcome you here with us. We wish you all the best for your apprenticeship and look forward to the next four years together.
Congratulations on the final apprenticeship exams
We congratulate Timothy Shah on successfully passing the qualification procedure as draftsman in the field of architecture. We wish you all the best on your further way.
Hilti Office Mitte – best architects 21 gold
Our office building Office Mitte wins one of the few gold awards that the jury of “best architects 21” has awarded this year among the numerous submissions. The building for the Hilti company in Schaan receives gold in the category “office & administration buildings”.
Hilti Office Nord – Facade completed
The facade is completely assembled and equipped. For the first time, the new building unfolds its full effect with its horizontal facade of prefabricated ceramic elements. Together with the Innovation Center, the Main Administration Building and the Office Mitte, the new office building will form a harmonious ensemble in the future.
Pilatus Arena – Start planning preliminary project
The next planning step can now be taken. This week the planning for the indoor arena with 4000 seats and two residential towers started. At the same time, the development plan procedure continues. Construction is scheduled to start in 2021.
Giuliani Hönger on Instagram
Restoration Academia Engiadina
In February 1997, Archithese released the first publication on the new Academia Engiadina in Samedan under the title “State of affairs: Young Swiss architecture”.
26 years after its opening, we are allowed to redress one of our debut buildings; 2020 with parts of the interior, 2021 with a new facade made of cast aluminum panels.
Starting signal for the Regensberg residential building
The demolition work is in full swing. Where the vacant lot affords a wide view of the Wehnthal, the new Regensberg residential building with three attractive apartments will soon be built. The building will be finished in spring 2021.
Book Launch Kunst und Bau FHS St. Gallen
The book launch took place at Never Stop Reading in Zurich:
Kunst + Bau, Der Neubau der FHS St. Gallen und die Kunst
Maria Nänny, Author, Publisher | Curator FHS St. Gallen
Marianne Burkhalter, Jury, Architect | Burkhalter Sumi Architekten
Lorenzo Giuliani und Christian Hönger, Giuliani Hönger Architects
Design: Roland Brauchli
Hilti Office Mitte is completed
The Office Mitte building in Schaan was completed before Christmas, the office space is now being used. The construction of Office Nord has progressed and the Hilti campus can be experienced by now.
Award Flux Prize
Best Architects 20
Zwicky Areal
Best Architects 20
Railway Station St. Gallen