Universitätsspital Klinikum 2, Basel, 2013—2038, Competition 1st Prize

More space, more greenery, more light

The new building for Klinikum 2 forms an ensemble together with the existing Klinikum 1 and frames the Spitalgarten, which is the most important public space on the site. Klinikum 2 consists of a 60-metre-high tower that contains the patient beds and a plinth building housing the clinical functions, which takes up the eaves height of the surrounding urban buildings.

Within the inserted building figure internal courtyards of different proportions allow daylight to be directed into the interior and facilitate orientation. Sensible building depths and a square structural grid of 8.10 x 8.10 metres produce the required flexibility. A semi-public, two-storey passageway leads from Petersgraben to the Spitalgarten and provides clearly identifiable accesses to all the important functions.

With light-coloured prefabricated concrete elements, the architectural appearance reflects the structure as primary structure, while differentiated areas of infill, glazed in some places, opaque in others, allow a response to be made to the different functional needs.

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Video review of the first half of 2024


Reference image: Colonial Arcade-Cleveland 1888, Photo: Detroit Publishing Company 1908


Spitalstrasse 21, 4031 Basel


University Hospital Basel


Replacement clinical centre 2


Competition 2013, 1st Prize

Planning period



nightnurse images


Antoni Armengol, Patric Barben, Reto Bleiker, Peter Blume, Jung Min Choi, Mirco Cortesi, Maurin Elmer, Lorenzo Giuliani, Tobias Greiner, Agnieszka Gronek, Antonia Hoffmeier, Christian Hönger, Martin Künzler, Louis Lateur, Jordan Leonardis, Yin Li, Kristina Mueller, Stefanie Murer, Ryan Muhr, Despoina Pippa, Juliette Richet, Andreas Sager, Susanne Schanz, Thomas Schmitz, Jonas Schöpfer, Florian Senn, Christian Senn, Timothy Shah, Julia Strelzig, Carina Thurner, Fabienne Ulrich, Nadia Vontobel, Kaspar Zeindler